Residential and Small Acreage Tanks
Over recent years our water providers have undertaken campaigns to reduce water usage in the community and subsidise water saving devices to ensure this precious commodity stretches as far as possible for the needs of the wider community.
Despite having town water connections, many households have installed water tanks to help reduce our dependence on this limited supply.
Today new homes in NSW are now required by law to have a water tank installed and plumbed into the house water supply, even if it's only for flushing toilets.
With Obrien Concrete Water Tanks you can be sure to make the most of the rain when it falls and keep your stock and property in good condition at all times.
What Type of Tank would Best Suit My Needs?
Like rural properties, tank requirements vary enormously from property to property and depend upon the size of the property, the intended water usage and garden requirements of each property.
Generally we find that most residential properties use below ground concrete tanks below 10,000 litres in capacity. This option is chosen because small vehicles can drive over these tanks, it reduces the cost of the tank installation and most have other water options available at minimal costs if tanks empty out.
If you have a small acreage and large water needs, then you should consider above ground tanks per rural properties to ensure your water requirements will be met.
Can Obrien Concrete Water Tanks help with General Concreting?
The staff at Obrien have been working with concrete for over 20 years and have assisted with a wide range for concreting services in that time.
Apart from concrete tanks and water troughs, we can build and repair;
driveways and paths,
concrete slabs for sheds or buildings,
retaining walls, and
other general concreting services